Welcome to ‘Enrich the Curriculum’ – the home of virtual extra-curricular activities for students.
On this page, you’ll find lots of fun and interesting activities, challenges and more! Click the buttons below to view the virtual subject related activities!
We want all our pupils to get involved, express themselves and enjoy their time at Aston Lodge Primary school with fond memories. We aim for our pupils to leave Lodge as well-rounded individuals, who are confident and prepared for the second stage of their education. We intend to inspire ambition in all our pupils and encourage them to make a positive contribution to society.
Provide pupils with the opportunity to explore different topics
Allow them to express their understanding, deepen their knowledge and develop and acquire skills in a way that best suits them as an individual
Build on cultural capital
Link with other whole school initiatives such as the Aston Lodge Pledges
Incorporate lots of different activities (read, write, watch, create, research) to engage different abilities and types of learner
Work in tandem with PSHE themes and National or International days of recognition
Improve understanding of current affairs and Cultural Experiences in their modern world
Virtual School Trips & Other Activities
Pupils will be sign posted by the class teachers to go on virtual school trips linked to their Topics and interests. Pupils will then discuss and share their experiences with each other. Pupils will be invited to watch age appropriate documentaries and programmes to encourage thinking, discussion and debate. Pupils will be encouraged to get involved with National competitions and other things such as fundraising and community projects.