Welcome to
Aston Lodge Primary School
Proud to be Aston Lodge.
Welcome from the Headteacher
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Aston Lodge Primary School and I hope that you and your family will enjoy your time here.
We passionately believe in seeking out your child’s talents whatever they may be, developing them to the highest level and through this ensuring that your child meets their potential through high levels of self-belief.
Your child will spend seven vital years in our school and our aim is to give you the best possible service we can.
We have a talented, enthusiastic and experienced staff and, in partnership with you, we know that we can provide your child with an excellent education. We value the partnership between…
Latest News

KS2 Rotherham Creative Workshops
This week, KS1 and KS2 children and their families took part in workshops, that Rotherham Creative Learning hosted. In KS2, families

Y6 Library Visit
This week, Y6 had a very informative session at the local library. They have learned all about the library’s online

Dojo Superstar!
This week, our Dojo Superstar is Amelia! Amelia has been working incredibly hard during her literacy lessons, and is now

Number Day in Y4/5
On Friday 7th February, Aston Lodge enjoyed taking part in ‘Number Day’. The children had fun exploring a range of

Measuring in Y6
Last week, Y6 were working working on their measuring skills. They used string as a tool for measuring, in the

Gingerbread Men in FS1
Last week, FS1 made gingerbread men, as this was their topic of the week. They listened to the story, then looked