“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Foundation Stage 1

Mrs Fearn

Meet your teacher

Hello I am Mrs Fearn and I am the Nursery Lead, I started working at Aston Lodge in 2020 and really enjoy welcoming new families to Aston Lodge Primary.

I have a strong interest in special needs as I am a proud parent of a SEN child and believe early intervention is key. I hold a drop-in session for parents and children to come and see me on a Monday afterschool to discuss any worries or concerns and will try my best to signpost you to professionals if needed.

In my spare time I love to bake and go on long walks with my two teenage boys. I love to travel to new places and have holidays down south with my family.

I look forward to meeting you all in September and helping you on your journey whilst at Aston Lodge.

Meet your Teaching Assistants

Miss Blakemore

Hello, I am Miss Blakemore and I am the teaching assistant for FS1. I have been here since November 2022 and I am really enjoying my role in supporting the children in FS1 to achieve to the best of their ability and being able to watch them grow as the year goes on is a privilege.

In my spare time I love going on long walks with my French bulldog puppy and going on sunny holidays. My favourite place to visit is Greece!

I am really looking forward to meeting and supporting the children coming into FS1 in September.

Class Information

FS1 Morning Session Times

8:30am to 11:30am

(Door closes at 8:45am)


FS1 Afternoon Session Times

12:15pm to 3:15pm

(Door closes at 12:30pm)


For Nursery, the children will need to bring a bag with a spare change of clothes, a water bottle and outdoor clothing such as a waterproof coat and a pair of wellington boots.

For children staying for lunch, they will be accompanied in the dining hall between the hours of 11.30-12.15pm. Hot dinners are available for a fee of £3.18 per day. Children can bring in a home-made packed lunch for a fee of £1 per day for lunch time supervision.

Every Friday the children will engage in ‘Challenge Friday’ where they will spend the morning completing challenges set by Super Ted. As a reward for completing all the challenges, the children will receive treats from Super Ted.

In Early Years we consistently engage in baking activities and ask parents to make a small, voluntary contribution of £3 per year for the cost of resources.


Phonics in Nursery

In Nursery, children enjoy learning Nursery Rhymes and Voice Play songs. Rhymes sensitise a child to the individual units of sound that make up a word. The rhythms present in Nursery Rhymes help children to remember the words, exercising their auditory memory skills.

In Nursery, we follow the Twinkl Phase 1 Phonics SSP programme from the Autumn Term until the Spring Term. The purpose of Phase 1 is to develop children’s listening and communication skills. including their vocabulary, to prepare them for reading and writing in the next phase/level.

If children do not fully develop these skills it can mean that they may struggle to hear the individual sounds in words which can mean children find it much harder to spell and blend sounds for reading.

During Level 1 children will develop their listening and communication skills through 7 aspects:

  1. Environmental sounds
  2. Instrumental sounds
  3. Body percussion
  4. Rhythm and rhyme
  5. Alliteration
  6. Voice sounds
  7. Oral blending and segmenting


In the Summer Term, the children will begin the school’s Phonics scheme Read Write Inc, in-line with the rest of the school.

Class News

FS1 Leanimals Visit!

FS1 had a very special visit last week from Leanimals! The children had the opportunity to meet and handle some of our special guests. We

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Diwali in FS1

The children in the nursery last week have been learning all about Diwali and the festival of lights. We read the story of Dipal’s Diwali

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Poppy Day

The FS1 children enjoyed creating Poppies for Remembrance day using their hand prints. We watched the short clip titled ‘Poppies’ on Cbeebies and the children sat beautifully

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