Mokee Joe Mania
KS2 we’re very lucky today to have a visit from Peter Murray, who is a local author. He grew up in Kimberworth, Rotherham, and was telling us how he was inspired to become an author after reading books at a young age and developing lots of ideas. Peter is passionate in his quest to promote […]
A Special Visit
Y6 loved having Mr Benton come to visit, who used to work at different collieries in our local area. He told us all about the history of coal mining and how it was so important to our community. The children had so many wonderful questions and Mr Benton answered them in so much detail to […]
Our Future Heroes
In FS2, we have been discussing our aspirations for when we are grown-up. We have had some fantastic aspirations from Doctors, Police Officers, Vets and Train Drivers. We have discussed how important it is to continue with our learning so we can all achieve the jobs of our dreams. We are so proud of you FS2!