“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y2/3 Colour Monster Workshop!

This week, Beech Class were lucky enough to have a colour monster workshop with ‘With Me in Mind’. We started to read the colour monster story together, and discussed how the different monsters represented different emotions. After, we spent some time identifying the feelings we could see in different images, and matching those to the appropriate colour monster.

As a class, we discussed how we felt and the feelings we felt that day, and why. We used this discussion to identify which colour monster we felt like today, and we coloured this in to represent us. Finally, we took part in some different activities so we could understand how our bodies might feel when we feel different emotions. It really helped us to understand how we might feel, and what we could do to help.

Amazing work, well done everyone!


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Dojo Success!

Last week, we celebrated a couple of fantastic Dojo successes!  ⭐ Dojo Superstar – Aston Lodge’s Dojo Superstar last week was Lily. Lily has been

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