to Year 1 (Ash)

Mrs Pirie
Meet your teacher
Hi, I’m Mrs Pirie (formerly Miss O’Brien) and I am your Class Teacher.
I love to read in my spare time and I can’t wait to share with you some of my favourite authors and stories that I read as a child. I also enjoy playing sports, watching films and cooking.
I cannot wait to see you all in September!
Meet your Teaching Assistants

Mrs Moore
My name is Mrs. Moore and I am a teaching assistant in Key Stage 1. I have worked at Aston Lodge for 15 years.
In my free time I love spending time with my family, I love family holidays especially to Cornwall – it’s my favorite place to visit. I also love to be creative; I enjoy painting, baking and crochet but my favorite way to relax is reading. I have two dogs and I love walking with them in the woods.
I love working at Aston Lodge, getting to know all of the children is a privilege. I am really looking forward to working with you in September.
Class Information
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Children will come to school in their PE kit.
Phonics is taught daily using ‘Read, Write, Inc’ scheme. As part of phonics your child will learn a new sound each day, develop early reading skills to enable them to become confident, fluent readers. You will have a phonics book that matches your reading level that you can take home and read. We aim to do at least 3 reads per week.
As part of English, we read and explore a range of text each week. Your child will use their phonics knowledge to support their early writing development.
We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, where children are taught in small steps throughout each stage.
Homework will be given out on a Friday, and it is to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Class News

RE in Ash Class
This week in RE, Ash Class have been learning about Muslims and how they pray. Everyone has been super creative, and designed a prayer mat

Y1 Dough Disco!
Today, Ash Class have had a lot of fun taking part in the Dough Disco. This was a warm up routine, to help the children

Y1 Design and Technology
On Monday, Ash Class worked super hard to start creating some pencil cases in DT. The children were resilient with their sewing, which was tricky!

Y1 Emergency Services Museum Trip
At the end of last half term, Ash Class were super excited to go on their first school trip! They went to the Emergency Services