“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 1

Year 1

Ash Class Maths Learning

In Maths, we looked at sorting objects into groups based on their colour and the type of object. The children did a really good job working with a partner and counting how many objects  they had altogether.

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Year 1

Outdoor Storytime

On Thursday afternoon, we went outside to have our Storytime in the shade. The children really enjoyed reading we are going on a Bear hunt.

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Year 1

Fieldwork with Ash Class

This week and next is National Fieldwork Fortnight in Geography. As part of this, today we have been doing some work on map skills. The children had a basic map to follow around the

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Year 1

Ash Class Study Science

Yesterday in Science, Ash class investigated the materials used around school. We discovered there are many different materials that make up our school and the

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School Trips

A Wild Day Out!

On Monday, Ash class went on our school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, to discover more about the animals that live there and the

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Aston Lodge white

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Y6 Computing!

In Computing, Y6 have been finishing their topic on Multimedia and Presentation. This week, they have learnt about databases and how to use Google Sheets

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