Mental Health Ambassadors
What are the aims of the Wellbeing Ambassadors at Aston Lodge Primary School?
- To spread kindness throughout school
- To promote ‘With Me In Mind’ via assemblies/posters
- To make sure that everyone in school knows who we are
- To give children the opportunity to attend a mindfulness colouring group
- To talk to teachers about mental health.
- Attend well-being ambassador events and collaborate with other well-being ambassadors to share ideas and good practice
Here’s what our Ambassadors had to say:
I wanted to be well-being ambassador because I am kind and caring and I like to help others. My tip for positive mental health and well-being is to make sure everyone in school is happy and they know who they can speak to if they are upset.
I wanted to be a well-being ambassador because I like to help people with problems. It would also make me feel better because I am making peoples’ lives better. I also think that it is important that everyone takes care of their mental health.
Well-Being Charter
Darcie and Jasmin, our With Me in Mind well-being ambassadors, have been working incredibly hard behind the scenes to create a whole school well-being charter – ‘The Aston Lodge Well-Being Way.’ The charter will be displayed around school alongside the Aston Lodge Ways.
We are also currently in the process of recruiting new With Me in Mind ambassadors to work alongside Darcie and Jasmin since the girls will be moving onto their secondary education in September.
Latest News
The Mental Health ambassadors are continuing their role on their residential. They conducted a school survey last week, with pupils, to gage ideas of what activities they would like them to lead.
Pupils said “We enjoyed the mindful colouring sessions, but we would like the ambassadors to offer a club that would encourage the boys to participate too.”
As a result, they will be offering Lego club and board games to give pupils the opportunity to collaborate, turn take and build friendships.
They have started their work already by supporting pupils who are missing home by playing board games and talking about home.