Talented Footballers ⚽🏆

A huge congratulations to Taylor and Raife for their amazing achievement in football. Raife has won the Blades cup tournament for Sheffield United Academy U7’s, the Sheffield City JFC U7’s tournament winner for Westfield Rangers and manager’s player. Taylor has won the manager’s player and the players’ player for Westfield Rangers U10’s. Well done boys! […]
Chance 2 Shine Cricket with KS2

KS2 have been loving participating in the Chance 2 Shine Cricket program. They have been practicing their cricket skills and having mini-matches to build these skills. Thank you Mr Marsh for delivering the program for us! 🏏
Unplugged Activity Time

As part of computing, Y6 were learning how to organise and search databases. As a pre-assessment of this new learning, we played Top Trumps in an ‘unplugged activity’. This game allowed us to compare cards based on how the data was organised and we learnt the importance of asking the right questions! 💻
GO APE Adventure – Careers in Sport

On Wednesday 14th June, all year 3 and 4 children ventured on a school trip to ‘Go Ape Sherwood Pines.’ 🧗♀️🌲🧗♂️ The trip enabled the children to further build their resilience and develop their team work skills.In order to further enhance their personal development, the children were also given the opportunity to speak to the instructors […]
Locating Landmarks

This week in Geography we were learning how to use a compass. We have each other instructions on how many steps to take in four directions: north, east, south and west. 🧭 After, we used our new knowledge to locate some physical and human features of London using a map to help us. We could then […]
Thank You Mr and Mrs Ablett!

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Ablett for kindly donating a voucher which has enabled the school to purchase sensory equipment for our sensory room. We are all very grateful! Thank you! 🥰
A Wild Day Out!

On Monday, Ash class went on our school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, to discover more about the animals that live there and the habitats that they live in. The children had a fabulous time and in our workshop and were extremely knowledgeable about the habitats animals live in as well as the camouflage […]
Amazing Artists

Last half term, in art, the year 4 children have been inspired by the beautiful work of the contemporary artist, Iris Grace. They have loved creating their final pieces in her style. Well done year 4! 😄
Y5/6 Dissect Eyes

On Monday, Y5 and Y6 completed an eye dissection as part of their science unit on light. They carefully made an incision in the eye to release the lens. They were fascinated to see that it enlarged lettering on a piece of paper when placed over it! Pupils then cut the eyeball into two halves […]
Y6 Study Coastlines

In geography this afternoon, we are making a clay model of the coast. This will help us to see how erosion impacts the coastline and people who live close. Next lesson, we will spend some time labelling the features of a coast and how they form.🌊