“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

IXL Excellence in Hazel Class

Well done to Emmie and Harrison for achieving a certificate of excellence  in IXL. Harrison has answered an outstanding 1000 questions in English and Emmie has answered 500 questions. Super work! 🙌

Korfball Experience 🏐

This week, the children in Hazel and Holly class had an exciting opportunity to work with students from Sheffield University and learn about the exciting game of ‘Korfball’ that is popular in the Netherlands. All the children had so much fun! Well done everyone!

Year 6 Writing Challenge

Parents, does this scene look familiar? Are you sick and tired of cleaning your child’s room? Well, this week, so are we! In writing, we are writing instructions on how to clean a teenager’s bedroom; they are finding out what it is really like to be in your shoes.  To plan our writing today, we […]

Mental Health Week 💚🧠

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week at the end of last term, the children at Aston Lodge took part in a range of activities to celebrate ‘Speaking Up’. They worked as a team in mixed year groups on the yard; they then returned to the classroom and thought about what compliments they could give […]

Y6 Visit the National Coal Mining Museum

On the snowiest day of term, Y6 visited the National Coal Mining Museum to consolidate their history learning so far. The pupils loved their tour down the pit and learnt so much from their tour guides. “I learnt what life was really like as a miner and just how dark it was down there – […]

FS2 Dojo Superstars! 🌟

We have three Dojo Award winners today! 🌟 Ava, Karter and Teddy have all shown amazing determination with their learning and are working so hard in their lessons every day! Well done all of you, we are both so proud of you! Miss T & Mrs B 🦁

Number Day in Hazel Class

 Last week in Maths, Hazel class were busy solving maths mysteries as part of number day. They worked really hard to use all of their mathematical skills that they have been taught so far. They also tried to beat their personal best on TT Rockstars! Well done Hazel class! 👏

Y6 Celebrate Number NSPCC Number Day!

Y6 enjoyed some real-life Maths work last week, to end their unit on ratio and celebrate Number Day! They made ratio drinks, with types of juice; they calculated each part so that they knew it would make a full cup. They really enjoyed combining their measurement and ratio knowledge during this task – plus, they […]

Around the World with FS2

As part of our Around the World topic, FS2 have learnt all about Italy. 🌎 They were especially excited to learn that pizza originally came from Italy and really enjoyed making their very own little pizza as well as choosing the toppings they wanted to put on. Their favourite part was definitely eating their pizza! […]

FS2 Visit The Deep 🐬

This term FS2 have been learning about different places around the world. One of the places we learnt about was Antarctica, we looked at the different types of animals that lived there, we especially liked learning about the penguins! As part of this topic we visited The Deep where we took part in a workshop all […]

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