Healthy Teeth with Ash Class

This week as part of our PSHE we have been learning about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy. 🦷 We have investigated using the big teeth, how we brush them correctly to make sure we clean all our teeth. We have learnt that we should brush our teeth twice per day for […]
Victorian Workshop with Ash Class

The children took part in a Victorian workshop delivered by The History Van looking further into what it was like to be a child during the Victorian times.  The children got to take part in some household jobs and games before trying to write with chalk and an ink fountain pen. They really enjoyed discovering more about […]
Wentworth Animal Farm

Last term Ash class went on our first school trip of the year to Wentworth Animal Farm. We had been learning about different animal groups in science and the children were really excited to meet some animals in person. When we arrived the children got to meet, a mouse, snake, iguana, parrot, and millipede. The […]