“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Foundation Stage 2

Miss Tims

Meet your teacher

Hello! My name is Miss Tims and I am your Class Teacher.

I am the Class Teacher and Early Years Lead for FS1 and FS2 at Aston Lodge. I love to play sports – I used to play Netball for South Yorkshire, eating chocolate, watching Disney films, travelling around the world, and of course, teaching in the Early Years!

Meet your Teaching Assistants

Mrs Broadhead

Hello, I am Mrs Broadhead. I am the Teaching Assistant for Foundation at Aston Lodge. I am a big Disney fan, I have been to Disneyland and can’t wait to go back. I like going on sunny holidays with my family. I absolutely love cake – I could eat it for my breakfast if I could!

Class Information

FS2 Session Times

8:40am to 3:15pm

(Door closes at 8:55pm)

For Reception, the children will need to bring a bookbag for reading books and letters, a water bottle and outdoor clothing such as a waterproof coat and a pair of wellington boots. 

Children will need an indoor and outdoor PE kit. Our PE days are Thursday afternoon and Friday. PE kit should be brought into school on a Thursday and it will be sent home on a Friday.

Every Friday the children will engage in ‘Challenge Friday’ where they will spend the morning completing challenges set by Super Ted. As a reward for completing all the challenges, the children will receive treats from Super Ted.

In Early Years we consistently engage in baking activities and ask parents to make a small, voluntary contribution of £6 per year for the cost of resources (£2 per half term).

Class News

FS2 Visit The Deep

The children in FS2 enjoyed their visit to The Deep. They really enjoyed their ‘Keeping the Seas Clean’ workshop, learning about the impact of littering

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FS2 – Christmas Stockings

Before the Christmas break the children were engaging in textiles during Design and Technology. They learnt the vocabulary of the words needle, thread, felt, and

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Children in Need!

Early Years enjoyed a day of craft, biscuit decorating, and wearing yellow or spotty tops to help raise funds for Children in Need. The children

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FS2 Worry Monster

The ‘With me in Mind’ Team have worked with the children to discuss their feelings and emotions and how they can remove worries through a

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