to Year 2/3 (Beech)

Miss Hamilton
Meet your teacher
Hi, I’m Miss Hamilton and I will be your Class Teacher in Year 2.
I enjoy baking and cooking different things from around the world. I also really enjoy a relaxing walk in the peak district and love to go camping but only if the sun is shining! If I have any spare time left, I love to read and get stuck into a good book, which is even better with a cup of tea.
I can’t wait to see you all in September!
Meet your Teaching Assistants

Miss Dawson
My name is Miss Dawson, I have worked in education for 10 years varying between nurseries and schools. I have one crazy dog who you will hear lots of stories about especially ones from the caravan. When at the caravan I love walks along the beach or going on adventures to new places. I love spending time with my family.
Class Information
Children will need an indoor and outdoor PE kit. Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. PE kit should be brought into school on a Thursday and it will be sent home on a Friday.
Reading is incredibly important and your child is encouraged to read at home. Fluency and speed are important when reading but having a good understanding of the text is also critical. It is expected that your child will read three times per week at home. This can be done independently or with an adult but must be recorded in their homework diary. Any reading comprehensions sent home will count towards their weekly reading.
Maths learning is supported by the White Rose scheme of learning, where children are taught in small steps throughout each stage. Children are encouraged to access Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots and IXL at home. Log in details will be available in the front of their reading records.
Homework will be given out on a Friday, and it is to be returned by the following Thursday.
Class News

Geography with Beech Class
As part of our geography unit we took part in a traffic survey outside school and the main road. We noticed that cars were the

Relationship PSHE with Beech Class
This week in PSHE as part of our ‘Relationships’ unit. Beech Class learnt about physical touch. To warm up in our lesson we explored how touch

Dance Class Finale with Y2
Last Friday was our last dance session in PE and our special dance teacher, Chera Bittles-Kincaid, was incredibly proud of us all for learning our

Easter Crafts Workshop
Last week we invited our adults in to join in with some Easter Crafts. We had three different crafts to be trying out and