“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


We believe that ability within mathematics is not fixed. We are developing the mindsets of children and adults alike to develop a growth mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude towards mathematics. We believe that through quality first teaching and versatility, children learning together and immediate intervention, all children have the potential to ‘go deeper’ and broaden their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Here at Aston Lodge Primary School, we want to nurture our young mathematicians by providing them with a secure understanding of the number system and to give them confidence in using a range of reliable strategies to help them add, subtract, multiply and divide when solving problems both in school and in adult life.

We appreciate that these foundations need to be presented to children in a range of creative and stimulating contexts and this is evidenced in our fun and enriching maths curriculum which is presented to children from the minute they enter our Foundation Unit and is deepened as children move through KS1 and KS2. We also provide our children with experiences of fractions, shape, measures and statistics in a range of creative and thought-provoking contexts to support them in their mathematical journey.

At Aston Lodge we teach maths every day. Maths is taught in a number of ways including; outside learning, chalk, classroom sessions, and groups of learners around school, always pitched towards each and every child. A wide variety of mathematical resources are used throughout school to support the mastery approach. As well as this, mathematics is also incorporated into the wider curriculum as much as possible.

We follow the White Rose scheme of learning and daily delivery of Rockstars gives pupils the opportunity to practise Times Tables daily.

Maths Resources for Parents


Number Day in Y4/5

On Friday 7th February, Aston Lodge enjoyed taking part in ‘Number Day’. The children had fun exploring a range of number activities in their classes.

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Y6 Maths

In Maths today, Y6 explored our ‘Converting Measures’ unit, before starting it next week. We looked at length, mass, and capacity using different measuring apparatus.

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TT Rockstar Day!

Last week, the children of Aston Lodge amazed us with their multiplication knowledge and skills, when they took part in the TTRockstars England Rocks Competition.

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Maths Fractions in Y6!

Before starting their new fractions unit, Y6 loved exploring fractions with the equipment! They made fractions using counters and numicon, they then moved on to

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Maths Photos

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