School Games Award 2022/23

Aston Lodge has received the Gold School Games Mark for the last academic year, which is an outstanding achievement! This year, children across all Wickersley Partnership Trust schools have accessed the School Games, our inter-trust climbing offer, water sports and OAA provision, residentials and our sports leader programme alongside the curriculum time PE delivery from […]
Aston Lodge Summer 2 SEND Roundup

Click the button below to read our Summer 2 SEND Roundup! Click here
Bikeability for Y6

Y6 are enjoying the first day of their Bikeability Course this week! Four children, who couldn’t ride a bike at the start, now can. And, a big group of them are now out on the roads this afternoon. I am so proud of all of them and their resilience. Amazing work Y6!

Last week, we have been completing the Changing Me unit from Jigsaw.Students are learning the difference between having a friendship and a relationship. They ordered reasons why you would start a relationship with someone in a diamond nine activity. 👩🏼🤝👩🏻👨🏽🤝👨🏼
Y3/4 Geography Fieldwork

This morning the year 3 and 4 children have looked at the human and physical features in their local environment. They have particularly focused on their local park and how improvements can be made. The children came up with some excellent ideas. We have definitely got many budding geographers! Well done everyone!
WPT First Aid Training

Over this academic year, staff, parents and all of our students took part in First Aid training. The courses were delivered by First Aid Schools and equipped them with the skills and knowledge to handle certain incidents and injuries they may come across. Topics for our primary schools included: How to be safe at home, […]
WPT Y6 Prom 2023!

Last Thursday night, we celebrated the end of our primary school journey in style at the WPT Y6 Prom! It was a fantastic evening which involved: Lots of dancing A Catwalk Photobooth Food with friends We all had a wonderful time and the children were a credit to Aston Lodge once again. A big […]
Y6 National Fieldwork Fortnight

As part of National Fieldwork Fortnight, pupils in Y6 were learning how to follow a map – to find different checkpoints around school. They knew from their residential, that they had to hold the map the correct way to be able to find each point. Once they got there, they had to answer a question […]
Aston Lodge receives ‘Good with Outstanding Elements’ Ofsted Rating

Aston Lodge Primary School is proud to announce their recent Ofsted inspection has graded the school as ‘good with outstanding behaviour, attitudes and personal development’. We could not have achieved this without the support of our students, parents, staff and Wickersley Partnership Trust. The rating recognises the dedication of the staff to provide an […]
Fieldwork with Ash Class

This week and next is National Fieldwork Fortnight in Geography. As part of this, today we have been doing some work on map skills. The children had a basic map to follow around the field before creating their own map and trying to follow it. We then had great fun swapping our maps and trying to navigate using the one created by our friends. […]