Road Safety with FS2

Last week in EYFS, the children have been learning about People Who Help Us. We have been discussing the important job role of a Lollipop Man/Woman and how they help us to cross roads safely. We have learnt the Safety Cat Rap to help us remember what we need to do when we cross a road. We have […]
Mental Health Week

We are extremely proud of Taylor and Oliver from Hazel class who have gone above and beyond with their homework activities this week. Both boys have taken part in the ‘Free Your Mind’ activities in order to raise awareness of mental health. We are very proud of your achievements. Well done!
Y6 Smash Their Walking Challenge

As part of their PE learning, Y6 were set a challenge of walking 50,000 steps this week – from Monday to Friday. 🚶♀️🚶♂️ Y6 know the importance of keeping fit and healthy and how this impacts on their body. Amazingly, they completed over 70,000 steps over their five days in Scarborough. 🤩👏
Road Safety with FS1

This week we have been discussing the importance of road safety and stranger danger. 🚨🚦 The children practiced crossing the road in our playground and some of the children put on their vizzy vests with members of staff and used our new knowledge to cross a small road outside of school. We have looked at the importance […]
Comic Relief Lego Competition

School have entered the Comic Relief Lego competition. Time to get creative. Just make a model that you think will make someone smile and happy. Take a picture and send it in to your class teacher. Share your idea for the chance to be crowned with the BEST IDEA EVER. We’re looking for the best […]
Healthy Teeth with Ash Class

This week as part of our PSHE we have been learning about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy. 🦷 We have investigated using the big teeth, how we brush them correctly to make sure we clean all our teeth. We have learnt that we should brush our teeth twice per day for […]
FS2 Visit the Butterfly House

This week, FS2 went on a school trip to The Butterfly House. 🦋 We enjoyed taking part in our workshop, learning about animals with fur, feathers and scales. We discussed the differences between them and how their skin can help them to adapt to their habitats and camouflage to hide from predators or to hunt […]
Reach for the Stars Award

A special ‘Reach for the Stars’ Aston Lodge Way wrist band was awarded to Layla for always going above and beyond in her homework. In Layla’s recent homework on what she would do for a day if she was the Queen, she demonstrated her empathy and kindness to others by detailing how she would make […]
Healthy teeth in FS2

The children in FS2 have been learning about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy. We have discussed why it is important to visit the Dentist and which food groups are healthy and unhealthy for our teeth. As part of our Literacy lessons, we have had fun writing instructions on how to clean our teeth […]
Y4/5 Students Earn GOLD Dojo Awards

We are so proud of the following children from Holly class who have reached 150 Dojo points and thereby achieving their GOLD Dojo award: Finlay, Dillen, Brodie, Kayla, Devon, Ellie, Luke, Maddie, Florence, Mason, Marley, Holly A and Jack. Congratulations to you all for all your hard work and commitment to learning!