Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse at Aston Lodge
Last week the eco-committee and student council teamed up to take on the huge job of organising and sorting clothes for recycling, repurposing and sale. We have been collecting various clothing in including, uniform, jackets and shoes from our school community over the term. We were able to give several bags to charity shops, build […]
Mindful Colouring Club
In order to support children’s mental health, children have the opportunity to take part in the mindful colouring club which takes place every playtime and lunchtime. The club is always very well attended! 🖍 🤗
Congratulations to the WPT Easter Competition 2023 Winners!
Over the Easter holidays, we held an Easter competition, which was open to all students across our primary and secondary schools. The challenge was to take an Easter themed selfie/photo or create a design. We had lots of fantastic entries and we can now reveal our five winners, who have all received their chocolate-y prize […]
Year 3’s Greek Workshop
The year 3 children had a fabulous time this morning at their Greek interactive workshop.The children engaged in lots of hands on activities, including: discovering how Sophocles put over his plays, using only three actors, all of them men! Following on from that, they learnt all about spinning silk with Pamphile. Well done Year 3. […]
Party with the Headteacher
Some of our students were chosen for their outstanding effort in school this term and they were invited to enjoy an afternoon party with Mrs Cronin. 🥳 They embraced the opportunity to share with each other what they were proud of achieving this term. They enjoyed buns, juice and party treats and their manners were impeccable. Well […]
FS2 – Baking Easter Cupcakes
The children in FS2 have loved baking Easter cupcakes last week, following a simple recipe. They remembered all the ingredients we needed and the method in chronological order. They have also written some fantastic instructions in their Literacy books, what a busy fun-filled week we have had! They definitely enjoyed the taste test at the end after decorating their buns. Big thumbs […]
Easter Church Service
This week, all of Aston Lodge visited the Methodist Church for an Easter service. They sang songs and performed Easter poems as a class. We also listened to the Easter story, performed by the Open Book Team. 🐇🐣🕍🔔
FS1’s Tiny Town Visit
The FS1 children visited the Tiny Town centre in Aughton this week. We hired a bus to take us there and for some of the children, this was a first time experience. When in Tiny Town the children got to role play in various areas. We acted out the role of doctors, police officers, vets and even […]
Y6 Half Term Update
Y6 have been very busy this half term! As part of their English learning they went on a SPAG-enger hunt! They looked for clues hidden within Easter bunny eggs to reveal a location around school. When they got there, they had a particular grammar feature to practice in their groups. 13 different features were practiced […]
Parent Craft Afternoon
The staff and pupils of FS2 would like to thank our parents for joining us for our Easter Craft Workshop this week. The children loved having their adults join us for a craft session making Easter rabbit hats, paper plate chicks and Easter wreaths. We were impressed with the creations that you all made together […]