Remembrance Poppy Art
Last week in Art, year 5 began their new learning on ‘collage’. We incorporated the theme of Remembrance Day by making a collage of a poppy with images representing the world wars. The children produced some lovely designs. Well done Year 5!
Anti-Bullying Week at Aston Lodge
The whole school have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week this week. We started the week by ‘Making Some Noise’ about bullying! We learnt a song per class, with the boom whackers, and then performed these in an assembly at the end of the day. We also enjoyed our ‘Its okay to be odd’ sock day on […]
Weston Park Museum Trip
On Wednesday, Hazel class went to the Weston Park Museum to learn all about the Anglo-Saxons and take part in an interactive workshop. They became Anglo-Saxons for the morning and the children made an Anglo-Saxon helmet. They even got to experience a talk from a real life archaeologist and learn all about their job. All the children […]
Foundation Stage 2 Remembrance Day
The children in FS2 have been busy creating their own poppies in readiness for Remembrance Sunday. We spoke about the importance of a poppy and what it symbolises. Beautiful work FS2!
We Will Remember Them
Y6 visited the local cenotaph today, to celebrate Remembrance Day. We performed the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, which we had be studying this morning in our reading fluency lesson. We also hung our own poppies with messages and had a two minute silence at 11:00 – to remember those who we have lost in the war. “For […]
Playtime Sports Leaders at Lodge
Our sports leaders in Y6 have been running their lunch time activities on the yard this term. Sports leaders focus on involving pupils of all ages in playground activities and helping them work as a team. Our Y1 children, who are just getting used to being in the big part of school, have found this […]
Interviewing an Engineer
Beech Class have taken part in interviewing an engineer. Bob Anstey was an engineer for the Royal Navy for over 30 years and worked on submarines, travelling all around the world. He explained to us all about his job and then we had the opportunity to ask him some questions. One of our questions about […]
Stone Age day!
As part of our unit on the Stone Age we visited Ecclesall Woods for a Stone Age day! As we arrived we told our Stone Age expert everything we had learnt so far about hunter gatherers and Doggerland. After, we went on to our first activity of the day which was spear throwing. We had to […]
WPT Christmas Card Competition 2023
We’re holding our annual Christmas Card Competition – this is open to all students in Wickersley Partnership Trust schools, from FS1 to Year 13. Here’s what you have to do: Design a Christmas card on 1 side of A4 paper (no 3D entries please – we can’t print these!) Take a photo of your entry […]
KS1 & KS2 Referendum
Today, all of KS1 and KS2 took part in a referendum. We have been learning about what a referendum is in assembly time, since last term. Referendums inspire change and are part of being in a democratic government. Our referendum was to vote to keep, or change our school assembly song. We voted using a […]