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Stone Age day!

As part of our unit on the Stone Age we visited Ecclesall Woods for a Stone Age day! 
As we arrived we told our Stone Age expert everything we had learnt so far about hunter gatherers and Doggerland. After, we went on to our first activity of the day which was spear throwing. We had to throw large spears at a target. It was very difficult and we realised that we might not have been able to catch our own food if we were in the Stone Age.
We also built our own shelters using branches from trees and a tarp. After, we had to check if it was waterproof when we had a bucket of water thrown over the top. Some of us got very wet! Finally, we tried to light our own fires. Even with a firelighter it was very difficult and took us all a long time. 
We had a fabulous day, learning lots and also having lots of fun!
Aston Lodge white

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