Y6 Maths
In Maths today, Y6 explored our ‘Converting Measures’ unit, before starting it next week. We looked at length, mass, and capacity using different measuring apparatus. Students could answer questions about conversions by the end of the lesson, and quickly built their confidence. Well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning
Y3/4 Jorvik Viking Centre Visit!
This week, as part of their introduction to the topic on the Vikings, Hazel Class visited the Dig and Viking Centre to learn all about how the Vikings used to live. They also explored life as an archaeologist! Everyone had such a great day, and represented the school brilliantly. #WeListenToOthers
Y2/3 Colour Monster Workshop!
This week, Beech Class were lucky enough to have a colour monster workshop with ‘With Me in Mind’. We started to read the colour monster story together, and discussed how the different monsters represented different emotions. After, we spent some time identifying the feelings we could see in different images, and matching those to the […]
Skipping Session!
Last Friday, Holly and Hazel Class both really enjoyed their skipping session. The children learned how to perform a single bounce, along with a double bounce, and many more key skipping tricks and skills! The Y4 children will continue to practise these skills, before taking part in a skipping competition in June. Great skipping everyone! […]
Y5 Ukulele Lesson!
Last week, Holly Class thoroughly enjoyed their first ukulele lesson with Mrs Gibbons. They listened to her instructions fantastically, and learned to hold and strum the instrument in time to the music. Well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning
Y5 Bikeability!
This week, Year 5 have impressed us all with their amazing biking skills during their ‘Bikeability’ lessons. They also displayed excellent listening skills when learning to ride effectively, and safely on roads. Well done Y5, great work! #WeListenToOthers
TT Rockstar Day!
Last week, the children of Aston Lodge amazed us with their multiplication knowledge and skills, when they took part in the TTRockstars England Rocks Competition. The children were so brilliant, our school came 29th out of over 430 schools in our local region, and 283th out of 4168 schools – what an amazing achievement. Well […]
Diwali in FS2!
Last week, the children in FS2 were learning about Diwali, the ‘Festival of Light’. As a class, we read the story Dipal’s Diwali, and discussed how Diwali is hugely celebrated in India. We explored the differences between England and India, then listened and danced to traditional music, tried some traditional foods, and created clay diya […]
Y3/4 Skipping Challenge!
This week in Hazel Class, the children have absolutely loved taking part in the skipping challenge. Many of the children showed excellent talent in this area, and worked super hard. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard
Y1 Emergency Services Museum Trip
At the end of last half term, Ash Class were super excited to go on their first school trip! They went to the Emergency Services Museum to learn more about the people who help and support us. They completed two workshops, exploring who can help them and when they might need help. They also explored the […]