“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Happy Sweeping

Tristen, in Y6, has been so passionate about keeping our yard tidy over the last few weeks, he now grabs the new broom without a second thought. He has been helping to sweep up leaves on the KS1 and KS2 yard, to stop the children from slipping. This is added onto all the children using the litter pickers to tidy up any litter from the yard!

Well done Tristen for your hard work and well done to all children in Y6 for caring for their environment. Happy sweeping🧹🍁

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Dojo Success!

Last week, we celebrated a couple of fantastic Dojo successes!  ⭐ Dojo Superstar – Aston Lodge’s Dojo Superstar last week was Lily. Lily has been

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