“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 5’s Art Success🎨

A huge well done to all of Year 5 for completing our collage project.  The children have worked collaboratively to produce an outstanding piece of art work which will be proudly on display in our new Trust base. The project involved producing a large class collage using fabric and beading in the style of Nigerian artist Jimoh Buraimoh.

First the children chose the design for the outline of the figure. Next, they added colourful beading to highlight some of the key features before selecting vibrant fabric to the design. Fantastic work Year 5!

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Dojo Success!

Last week, we celebrated a couple of fantastic Dojo successes!  ⭐ Dojo Superstar – Aston Lodge’s Dojo Superstar last week was Lily. Lily has been

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