“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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NSPCC TTRockstar Winners!

We were blown away by the children’s latest TT competition. It is evident that all the children continue to work hard on their times tables – their skills at answering questions at speed is really to be commended.

Here are our competition winners:

Overall winner: Ralf Y5🥇
2nd Place: Jerry Y6🥈
3rd Place: Lucas Y3🥉

Y1 winner: Isla
Y2 winners: Harrison, Lauren and Charlie
Y3 winners: Lucas, Ethan and Holly
Y4 winners: Mason, Florence and Tierney
Y5 winners: Ralf, Jack and Dillen
Y6 winners: Jerry, Jasmin and Charlie B

Special congratulations to Leon for ‘most improved player’.

Well done to everyone who took part – you are amazing! Keep playing TTRockstars – another competition coming soon!  
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