“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 6 Writing Challenge

Parents, does this scene look familiar? Are you sick and tired of cleaning your child’s room? Well, this week, so are we!

In writing, we are writing instructions on how to clean a teenager’s bedroom; they are finding out what it is really like to be in your shoes.

 To plan our writing today, we rotated around our ‘messy bedroom’ stations and thought about what instructions to give at each stage. Let’s hope they take their own instructions on board! 🧹🧼🗑️

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Dojo Success!

Last week, we celebrated a couple of fantastic Dojo successes!  ⭐ Dojo Superstar – Aston Lodge’s Dojo Superstar last week was Lily. Lily has been

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