“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Studying Ole Kirk Christiansen in Y2/3

This week, Y2/3 have been learning about Ole Kirk Christiansen in their History unit of Toys and Technology. He is well known for creating the brand Lego, and changing the way that children played. To get a better understanding of why Lego was made, the children spent some time exploring and playing with wooden blocks and Lego to see how they were similar and different.
They loved playing with both toys, but they did get a bit frustrated when the wooden building blocks kept falling down. Everyone now understands why Ole Kirk Christiansen made Lego bricks the way they are, and how creative they can be with them. 
Well done Beech Class!
Aston Lodge white

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Foundation Stage 2

Easter Crafts!

This week, FS2 invited their parents/carers in for an ‘egg-citing’ afternoon of Easter crafts. Everyone had such a fantastic time, and made lots of fun

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