“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Firefighters Visit Aston Lodge!

On Friday 28th February, the children at Aston Lodge were lucky to have Aston Green Watch Firefighters pay them a visit. All classes (including nursery), had the opportunity to sit inside the fire engine, see the ‘jaws of life’, try on a firefighters uniform, and even use the water hose! 
In the afternoon, the Aston Green Watch returned to talk to Sycamore and Holly Class about what is involved in a firefighting career, as part of ‘Careers Month’. They were very interested to learn, and found out that young people can join the ‘Fire Cadets’ once they reach the age of 13. 
Thank you to Aston Green Watch!
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Dojo Success!

Last week, we celebrated a couple of fantastic Dojo successes!  ⭐ Dojo Superstar – Aston Lodge’s Dojo Superstar last week was Lily. Lily has been

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