“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Foundation Stage 2


FS2 Dojo Superstars! 🌟

We have three Dojo Award winners today! 🌟 Ava, Karter and Teddy have all shown amazing determination with their learning and are working so hard in

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Foundation Stage 2

Around the World with FS2

As part of our Around the World topic, FS2 have learnt all about Italy. 🌎 They were especially excited to learn that pizza originally came

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Foundation Stage 2

FS2 Visit The Deep 🐬

This term FS2 have been learning about different places around the world. One of the places we learnt about was Antarctica, we looked at the

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Foundation Stage 2

FS2 Reading Activities

This week in literacy FS2 are reading the story Handa’s Surprise. The children have enjoyed tasting the fruits Handa’s took for her friend Akeyo and

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Foundation Stage 2

FS2 Celebrate Disney 100 Day

On Monday 16th October 2023, we celebrated 100 years of Disney in school. For 100 years, Disney has been storytelling through the generations. 🏰🌠 To celebrate

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Foundation Stage 2

FS2 Visit Austefield Study Centre

The children in FS2 have loved their first school trip to Austerfield. 🚌🌲 We enjoyed learning about and holding a range of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

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Y6 Computing!

In Computing, Y6 have been finishing their topic on Multimedia and Presentation. This week, they have learnt about databases and how to use Google Sheets

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