“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 3/4

Year 3/4

Weston Park Museum Trip

On Wednesday, Hazel class went to the Weston Park Museum to learn all about the Anglo-Saxons and take part in an interactive workshop. They became Anglo-Saxons

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School News

KS1 & KS2 Referendum

Today, all of KS1 and KS2 took part in a referendum. We have been learning about what a referendum is in assembly time, since last

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Year 3/4

25 Dojo Points!

A huge congratulations to Mia, Charley, Amber, Riley and Harry who have achieved their 25 dojo points. We are extremely proud of you! Well done! 

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Year 3/4

Writing Mystery Stories

The children in Hazel class have been thoroughly engaged in writing their mystery stories using the novel ‘Cliffhanger’ by Jacqueline Wilson as inspiration. The children have

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Year 3/4

Dancing Achievement

Congratulations to Emmie from Hazel class. Emmie and her dance team have progressed to the next stage of a dance competition and will perform at

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School News

Going Above and Beyond!

In History the children have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons. Archie is thoroughly enjoying this topic and so he has gone above and beyond to do

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Year 2/3

French Fluency for Year 3

The year 3 children are loving their French lessons. We are only two lessons in and some children are already developing the confidence to have a

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Attendance Superstars!

Last week, we celebrated our attendance superstars. ⭐ Well done to Ashley and Charlie who won an award for 100% attendance for the Summer Term!

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