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This week, our Dojo Superstar is Amelia! Amelia has been working incredibly hard during her literacy lessons, and is now even writing short sentences independently.

On Friday 7th February, Aston Lodge enjoyed taking part in ‘Number Day’. The children had fun exploring a range of number activities in their classes.

Last week, Y6 were working working on their measuring skills. They used string as a tool for measuring, in the same way that the Ancient

Last week, FS1 made gingerbread men, as this was their topic of the week. They listened to the story, then looked at a basic recipe, and

Last week, Holly Class were lucky enough to take a walk to the local library. They were issued library cards, and Laura the librarian explained

FS2 Chinese New Year Celebrations
Last week, the children in FS2 were learning all about Chinese New Year. They learnt that 2025 is the year of the snake, and enjoyed

This week in RE, Ash Class have been learning about Muslims and how they pray. Everyone has been super creative, and designed a prayer mat

Today, Ash Class have had a lot of fun taking part in the Dough Disco. This was a warm up routine, to help the children

Y4/5 Unbeatable Energy Workshop!
Last week, Holly Class had a fantastic time taking part in the Unbeatable Energy Workshop, ‘Rubbish Rhythms’! This was an amazing session, where the children

Last week, Y5 had so much fun during their time at the climbing wall. They all showed brilliant team work, enthusiasm, and perseverance. We were

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Easter Crafts!
This week, FS2 invited their parents/carers in for an ‘egg-citing’ afternoon of Easter crafts. Everyone had such a fantastic time, and made lots of fun
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