“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Harvest Celebration

The whole of Aston Lodge went on a local walk to our Central Methodist Church today. Here, we performed poems, sang songs and spoke about why it is important for people to be thankful for harvest.  The Open the Book Team and the new minister, Louise, also joined us for the service. Louise opened the […]

Final Art Pieces

This week, Beech Class finished their final piece in our Art unit of cave paintings. In our build up we have explored and annotated cave paintings, created tints and tones using oil pastels and sketched cave paintings. We have put all of our skills together and created our final cave painting piece using oil pastels. […]

Ash Class RE Learning

Last week in RE the children began to explore the parable of ‘The Lost Son’.  The children learnt what it means to forgive and how some Christians can show forgiveness to one another.

Ash Class learn about the human body

This week in Science the children have been labelling the parts of the body they already know. They have used their knowledge of the song head shoulders knees and toes to help them to label some parts of the body. They have worked super hard and had lots of fun drawing around their friends!

Y6 Visit Eden Camp

Y6 have loved their time at Eden Camp Modern History Museum, as part of our WW2 topic. They learnt all about the home front, The Blitz and even prisoners of war. Lots of pupils made comments about their love for History!

Music Enrichment

Every Wednesday, Y6 have been enjoying their ukulele lessons. They have learnt that a Ukulele is a very similar instrument to a guitar. The children have learnt the different notes they can make and are working towards learning a full tune.

FS2s Super Ted Challenge

This week Super Ted challenged the children to make their very own Gruffalo crown! They all worked really hard and everyone made a fantastic scary Gruffalo crown, well done FS2!

Kendra the Pride Superstar

Last week Kendra was our Pride Superstar! Kendra worked really hard in her literacy last week, she could hear and identify initial and final sounds in words. This shows us just how hard Kendra has been trying in her phonics. Well done Kendra, we are both so proud of you,Miss Tims and Mrs Broadhead

Y6 Enjoy the Reading Spine

Y6 have been enjoying reading their books from our reading spine: Pig Heart Boy, Holes, Trash and many more! We are thoroughly enjoying reading Goodnight Mr Tom as our class text too. “Having our bookmarks gives us the motivation to read them all before we get to secondary school.” “They help us keep track of […]

National Poetry Day with Hazel Class

In English, the children in Hazel class have been taking part in national poetry day activities. They have focused on the theme of ‘refuge,’ reflected on what refuge means to them and written their very own refuge senses poem. All the children have worked incredibly hard and we definitely have some budding poets!  Well done Hazel […]

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