“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Wentworth Animal Farm

Last term Ash class went on our first school trip of the year to Wentworth Animal Farm. We had been learning about different animal groups in science and the children were really excited to meet some animals in person.

When we arrived the children got to meet, a mouse, snake, iguana, parrot, and millipede. The children were really brave and really enjoyed meeting the animals. In the afternoon we had the opportunity to go around the farm and meet some of its bigger residents. The children’s favourite animal was the Jacob sheep and the Guinea pigs.

We had such a brilliant day and the children expanded their knowledge of the classification of animals.

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Y6 Computing!

In Computing, Y6 have been finishing their topic on Multimedia and Presentation. This week, they have learnt about databases and how to use Google Sheets

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