“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 6

Year 6

Y6 RE Learning

Y6 have really been enjoying their RE learning journey this term. We thought about whether Jesus being born, as the saviour, in the Christian religion,

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School News

Anne Frank Workshop

Pupils in Y6 loved their Anne Frank Workshop, hosted by Billy from the Anne Frank Trust. This two-day workshop looked at equality and discrimination and

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Year 6

Inter Faith Week

As part of Inter Faith Week, we are producing a piece of art work in our RE lesson. This art work shows our world view;

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School News

We Will Remember Them

Y6 visited the local cenotaph today, to celebrate Remembrance Day. We performed the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, which we had be studying this morning in

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School News

KS1 & KS2 Referendum

Today, all of KS1 and KS2 took part in a referendum. We have been learning about what a referendum is in assembly time, since last

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Year 6

Exploring Fractions

Before starting their new unit on ‘fractions’, Y6 explored what a fraction is with Numicon and counters. After discussing what the numerator and denominator show

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Year 6

Super Scientists

In Science, before we classified plants, we have been classifying liquorice all sorts! These sweets make classifying fun, as they have some characteristics that are

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School News

Disney 100 🌠🏰

On Monday 16th October 2023, we celebrated 100 years of Disney in school. For 100 years, Disney has been storytelling through the generations. To celebrate

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School Trips

Y6 Visit Eden Camp

Y6 have loved their time at Eden Camp Modern History Museum, as part of our WW2 topic. They learnt all about the home front, The

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Aston Lodge white

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Y6 Computing!

In Computing, Y6 have been finishing their topic on Multimedia and Presentation. This week, they have learnt about databases and how to use Google Sheets

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