“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 2/3

Year 2/3

Beech Class Update

This week in Beech Class we learnt all about democracy as we voted for our school council. We had 18 children who all tried to convince

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Year 2/3

French Fluency for Year 3

The year 3 children are loving their French lessons. We are only two lessons in and some children are already developing the confidence to have a

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Year 2/3

Stone Age Superstars!

This week, Beech Class have been learning all about the period of the Stone Age. We started by discussing with our partner what we already

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Year 2/3

Locating Landmarks

This week in Geography we were learning how to use a compass. We have each other instructions on how many steps to take in four

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Aston Lodge white

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Attendance Superstars!

Last week, we celebrated our attendance superstars. ⭐ Well done to Ashley and Charlie who won an award for 100% attendance for the Summer Term!

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