“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Gingerbread Men in FS1

Last week, FS1 made gingerbread men, as this was their topic of the week. They listened to the story, then looked at a basic recipe, and named each item. The children took turns to each have a go at mixing, stirring, and rolling out their dough before the gingerbread men went in the oven. They really […]

Y4/5 Library Visit!

Last week, Holly Class were lucky enough to take a walk to the local library. They were issued library cards, and Laura the librarian explained to the children how they can use the library cards to take out any books they wanted. The librarian also told them all about her job, and her role in […]

FS2 Chinese New Year Celebrations

Last week, the children in FS2 were learning all about Chinese New Year. They learnt that 2025 is the year of the snake, and enjoyed learning what animal year they were born in. They took part in some arts and crafts, then had the opportunity to taste some Chinese food as well. Great work, well […]

RE in Ash Class

This week in RE, Ash Class have been learning about Muslims and how they pray. Everyone has been super creative, and designed a prayer mat that Muslims could use for prayer. Fantastic work Y1, well done! #WeListenToOthers #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Y1 Dough Disco!

Today, Ash Class have had a lot of fun taking part in the Dough Disco. This was a warm up routine, to help the children with their writing, as well as their fine motor skills. Everyone had a fantastic time, and loved dancing along to the songs. Well done Y1! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Y4/5 Unbeatable Energy Workshop!

Last week, Holly Class had a fantastic time taking part in the Unbeatable Energy Workshop, ‘Rubbish Rhythms’! This was an amazing session, where the children used items such as water bottles, and old pipes as instruments! Everyone really enjoyed experimenting with different ways to channel sound.  Well done Y4/5! #WeListenToOthers

Y5 Climbing!

Last week, Y5 had so much fun during their time at the climbing wall. They all showed brilliant team work, enthusiasm, and perseverance. We were super proud of each and every one of them. Well done, Year 5! #WeTakeRisksAndRiseToAChallenge

Careers Workshop in Y2/3

Today, Y2/3 were lucky enough to take part in an online careers workshop with an ex Navy Pilot. He explained how he used to fly helicopters all over the world for the Navy. He talked about his experiences flying helicopters, and the qualifications he needed. The children then got the chance to ask lots of […]

Y2/3 Library Trip!

This week, Beech Class were lucky enough to take a walk to the local library. They took their library cards that they received last year, and the librarian reminded the children how they can use the library cards to take out any books they wanted. The librarian also told them all about her job, and […]

Rocksteady Assembly and Drum Workshop!

Each month as part of our career’s curriculum, children learn about a variety of job roles and skills, as we’re always following the Aston Lodge Way, ‘To Aim High’. Students regularly get the opportunity to share assemblies and attend Q&As to ask adults about their profession, and how they achieved their goals. They learn about […]

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